The SCATA Jargon Buster is a compilation of many of the confusing terms and acronyms used in Health Informatics. It was compiled from various sources and is maintained by the SCATA membership.
If you are are a SCATA member, you can add and edit jargon terms from the member's area
Non-members can use the contact page to submit a new term or acronym, or to update an existing one.
Term or Acronym | Definition | Explanation |
Sleep Apnoea Breathing Therapy Equipment | SABTE is defined are defined and modelled in the ISO 11073 Medical Devices standard |
Single Assessment Process | Integrated process for assessing the Health and Social Care needs of the elderly. |
Supplier Attachment Scheme | The Supplier Attachment Scheme is a new opportunity for NHS professionals to have a direct influence on the future of healthcare by working in one of a range of roles with a Local Service Provider. |
Scottish Cervical Cytology Recall System | |
Scottish Care Information | SCI is a division of National Services Scotland and has delivered a suite of products to support eHealth in Scotland. SCI Store is an information repository, similar in some respects to the ‘spine’, whilst SCI Gateway is a messaging system that is used extensively for referral and discharge. |
Scottish Clinical Information Management in Practice | |
Summary Care Record | The summary information which people in Early Adopter areas will be able to look at is called their Summary Care Record. It includes information like name, address and NHS Number. It also has basic information about the medicines that person is taking, any bad reactions they may have had to medicines and any allergies they may have. |
Standard Generalised Markup Language | A page markup language that was initially developed in the late 1960s by the US Graphic Communications Association to permit the electronic transfer of page formatting and layout instructions from publishers to printers. Adopted as an international standard in 1986. The foundation for HTML and XML. |
SHAs |
Strategic Health Authorities | The headquarters of the local NHS. Their role is to ensure that the Primary Care Trusts are both effective and efficient in managing the delivery of services. |
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol | The protocol that governs the sending of email messages. Related acronyms: POP or POP3 (Post Office Protocol) and IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) for receiving email. Plain vanilla SMTP generally runs on port 25. It is possible to use SMTP and SSL (secure sockets layer) for encrypted sending,in which case port 587 is often used. |
Systematised Nomenclature for Medicine | SNOMED Clinical Terms.A thesaurus of approved clinical terms and their synonyms, plus their associated computer codes. SNOMED was originally developed by the College of American Pathologists. SNOMED CT represents the combining of SNOMED with CTV3, and is a collaborative venture between the College of American Pathologists and the NHSIA. See and connecting for health web site. |
Simple Object Access Protocol | An XML protocol for the exchange of information. |
Spamish |
| The new language created by spammers where letters are substituted with punctuation to try and fool email filters, e.g. V!agra. |
Spine |
| Old term for what is now called the NHS Care Record |
Standardisation Committee for Care Information | In April 2015 this replaced the Information Standards Board (ISB) qv. ISB notices still persist. |
Standards Enforcement in Procurement. | The standards that must be met by IT products procured by the NHS. |