
SCATA members Newsletter March 2022

Dear SCATA member

Sadly, we learned earlier in the month that Alastair Lack, founder member of SCATA, Chairman from 1987 to 1992 and President 1996-2001 has died after being in hospital for some weeks. I have no further details at the moment, but will keep the website updated if I hear more. I'm grateful to Chris Barham for passing on the news.

Annual Scientific Meeting/AMM

Following discussion at a committee meeting on the 13th March, we agreed to look at venues in the Manchester area for a possible ASM on Monday 13th June 2022. An initial scan of UK meeting calendars suggested no major clashes with this date, but we'd appreciate feedback in case we missed something important.

ACCEA (Advisory Committte on Clinical Excellence Awards)

We received notification that SCATA is no longer being accredited as a National Nominating Organisation (NNO). Grant has updated the website with the link to the latest information on NCIAs as they're now to be known.

PRSB and RCoA charting project

Members that follow the #open_standards_wg channel on Slack will be aware that the RCoA and PRSB have initiated a project looking at a standard for 'anaesthetic charts'. Chris Thompson is leading from the RCoA side, there have been two scoping meetings so far and we await the output from the PRSB for review.

FHIR-IG for intraoperative anaesthesia - sponsorship of HL7 Structured Docs and Orders/Observations groups

Follwing the acceptance of Martin's Project Scope Statement by the HL7 Devices group, two groups within HL7 have expressed interest in being co-sponsors. The Structured Documents and Orders & Observations groups have indicated willingness to help build a FHIR implementation guide and we look forward to engaging with them. Both groups bring a wealth of expertise and FHIR development experience to the project.

SNOMED-CT Anesthesia CRG and business meeting London April 2022

Grant and Martin are both due to attend the Sunday and Monday sessions of the Anesthesia CRG in London next week. It's hoped that closer ties between SCATA and the SNOMED anesthesia CRG will be forged, with mutual benefit to both groups, and especially for terminology support in the FHIR-IG.

eLearning Platform re-development

A long-term aspiration of SCATA has been the re-working of the former ITLS course into an eLearning resource. Although the project stalled some time ago, Grant has re-visited the Moodle platform - the resources were previously held in the Opigno application which is based on Drupal CMS. Although Opigno does appear to have an active development team, the newest version proved nigh-impossible to install on the SCATA website. The content has been transferred to a new Moodle instance that you can check out here. For the full module descriptions, contact [email protected] for access

As ever, if you're interested in eLearning, please volunteer to become an author/editor as there's plenty of scope for expanding the module content.


Talking of aspirations, 2022 could be the time to do another in-person #gashack. Grant has started a page on google docs with ideas for pitches. Previous #gashacks have been held in October, but this is flexible, depending on who's available to support it from the developer community. There is a separate workspace on Slack that you can join if interested.

In the meantime, stay safe and see you in April.

JP Lomas (@jplomas)

Grant Forrest (@digitalgasdoc)

Amazon Smile. Please consider supporting SCATA through your Amazon purchases by visiting and selecting SCATA as your nominated charity. Either search by name, or use our charity code 1002231-0. Each time you buy something on Amazon, 0.5% of the purchase price is donated to SCATA.

A reminder that SCATA members are entitled to a free Livedrive subscription.

Looking for a free, powerful tool to conduct surveys and online polls ? SCATA members are entitled to full, unfettered use of our LimeSurvey installation.

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