Dear SCATA Member
Apologies for the lack of communication since the ASM in Cardiff back in May. Having looked at a variety of options for doing email comms that keep us on the right side of GDPR, I have opted for PHPList and if all goes well, you should receive this message as a result of being auto-subscribed to the "SCATA Members Newsletter" list.
I have taken the liberty of auto-subscribing you, based on your preferences as set in the SCATA member's area, but if this upsets you in any way, please use the "unsubscribe" link below to remove yourself. You can re-subscribe at any time. Please note that the preferences as set in the SCATA member's area will no longer function - they will be replaced with links to the various mailing lists that SCATA maintain and that you are free to join or leave at any time.
SCATA is also working on a draft Privacy Notice that you can find on the Wiki :
There are still a few tweaks to make to this and at some point, I will require existing members to accept it when they login to their account on the SCATA web site. I'm sure you're as fed up as I am of this process !
A couple of news items for you. I'm slowly adding the videos from our ASM in Cardiff back in May to the SCATA Youtube channel :
I'll continue to add new videos as time and consent allows.
SCATA has been asked to contribute to the RCoA's Winter Symposium 12-13 Dec 2018 which is themed on "Innovation". Suggested topics so far include :
I'm sure we can add a few topics to this list. If you're interested, please contact me through the usual channels and I'll feedback to the organiser, Dr Lucy Williams.
I was contacted earlier in the week by SCATA member Sandy Davey, whom many of you will know. Sandy is organising an event in Belfast in February next year. Themed as a "Northern Ireland Peri-Operative Medicine Hack Event", it will take the usual format of a weekend pitch-build-report, but given the timing and relevance to SCATA's PoM Open Standards Group, I expect that we will look to hold our Working Group meeting on the Friday before the event. Planning is at an early stage but I'll keep you posted via this Newsletter.
SCATA's 2019 ASM will be in Manchester in May. I am currently looking at a few different venues but hopefully we can get somewhere central. All offers of assistance received gratefully.
Enjoy the remainder of the summer and whatever good weather is left.
Kind Regards
Dr J Grant Forrest
SCATA Chairman and Webmaster
[email protected]
©SCATA 2024 :: registered charity 1002231 :: privacy notice :: design and hosting by lunaria