
SCATA Members Newsletter October 2022

Dear SCATA Member


Please find below an update on some of the ongoing activities of SCATA.  There will be a Committee meeting at 8pm on 30th October via Zoom to which any interested Member is warmly invited: email [email protected] for an invitation.


1. Health and Social Care Committee Digital Transformation Expert Panel 

JP represented both the society and speciality at this online event hosted by the Health and Social Care Committee on 29th September.  The panel was convened to assist the H&SCC produce CQC-style ratings of the government's digital health policy progress.  A report of the series of events is intended to be published and a link will be circulated to SCATA members once this is available.


2. ICD-11 implementation

NHS Digital are making plans and preparations for the implementation of ICD-11 in the NHS in England with an outline being available to interested parties here:


3. HSJ Data & Analytics Forum 2023

JP met with the team planning this conference planned to take place in 2023 where the front-line perspective on informatics, data and analytics were discussed to assist in the development of a programme to appeal across the spectrum of interested clinical and non-clinical staff.  A draft programme will be circulated to SCATA members for comment and input later in the year.


4. Devices

Grant and Martin Hurrell attended the HL7 Working Group Meeting in September via Zoom. There was a dedicated session on the FHIR-IG for the intraoperative anesthesia record, hosted by the Devices group. Among the discussion points, the DeviceDefinition resource is being reviewed for FHIR v5 and allows for concepts such as "has part" or "parent-child" relationships. The original intent of this design was to allow for devices such as multi-function anaesthesia monitors to be described in terms of their components parts. The Devices group has started a discussion thread on the topic. Grant and Martin have suggested two examples from anaesthetic practice - central venous catheters and endobronchial tubes - as use cases for the "has part" paradigm. There is also some pressure coming from the HL7 Pharmacy group to have CVCs described in a more structured way, to permit the identification of lines and lumens for medication administration. Grant attends the regular HL7 Devices calls (Wednesday 2pm BST) and can feedback comments or suggestions from SCATA members. Some light background reading on the topic of needles, catheters and tubes can be found here.


5. STA Speaker Exchange

SCATA has a 'speaker exchange programme' with the US-based Society for Technology in Anesthesia who are holding their next meeting 11-14th January  2023, at the Four Seasons Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. Currently, a speaking slot has been reserved for a SCATA member on Saturday, 14th January 14 from 1130-1200.  If you are interested in talking at this meeting, please contact: [email protected]

6. SNOMED Anesthesia CRG

Minutes of the last meeting from 27-Sept 2022 are available here.

7. Slack

In our regular reminder of some of the services and benefits of SCATA members, we'd like to draw attention to our growing community on Slack, where all members are invited to join and network asynchronously.  Request an invite via [email protected]



With best wishes


JP Lomas Grant Forrest
SCATA Chairman SCATA President

Amazon Smile. Please consider supporting SCATA through your Amazon purchases by visiting and selecting SCATA as your nominated charity. Either search by name, or use our charity code 1002231-0. Each time you buy something on Amazon, 0.5% of the purchase price is donated to SCATA.

A reminder that SCATA members are entitled to a free Livedrive subscription.

Looking for a free, powerful tool to conduct surveys and online polls ? SCATA members are entitled to full, unfettered use of our LimeSurvey installation.

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